I've been kicked, swore at and still survive! For short, i've been everywhere. From the day i was born till today, i am a survivor. I am thankful to all my enemies; without them i wont be where i am today. I am also thankful to those who despise me for it gave me the strength to carry on. I am also in debt to those who hated me for it made me a better person.
Yes, i've been around so long that i cant remember the first time i felt betrayed. I had had my share of losing. But above all, i still and will survive. Why, you may ask, am i pondering this thought as the opening sequence of the blog? Simple. I am just a normal human being entrusted to win all the battle and all the war. The keyword-BETRAYED.
Born into the world, i had to go through all the hardship of life like a normal person...very much alike. I had to go through the tedious process of understanding culture, customs and tradition. I bleed from time to time then and now.
What i meant to say is this; as a normal person, i felt the pain of losing and losses. When the recent crime happened, i was at war with myself. I betrayed the sole purposes of my presence. I cant sleep for nights thinking that i had betrayed nurin. I should have done more.I could have done more..
And hence when i put myself into this fragile situation, understanding what was going through her mind at that dangerous liason with death, i could feel her asking the question;where are the defender of mankind? Had man betrayed their own species?Why no one come forward and help me?
All this question made me realises one thing; that i have to work harder and better...that i would have to live with regrets that i wasnt there for her, nursafira liyana bte jaafar, nurul huda abdul ghani, audrey mellisa, nurul hanis kamil, nur syakila ram choo, farah deeba rustam, haserawati saridi, canny ong, siti nadira budah, nur shazwani dahalan.
Had i betrayed my purpose of existance?Probable and possible..
One thing for sure, my sisters, in my book you dont die. I shall carry you in my heart everywhere i go and make sure no more betrayal exist for the benefit of others.Period.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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i feel your pain

audrey & nurul hanis
I'm with you.
If we have failed them all, let us not fail the next one.
salam and have a blessed Eid.
Hi Kamal, Tembam here. It's good to have you on the same side as the Citizens for Nurin Alert. I feel what you feel bro. I believe Nurin was sent to jolt us all out of our complacency. We need your expertise to help us in our common mission. Save them alive!
Hey bro, good to have you back.
How can the authorities, especially parents sleep over these brutal killings of young Malaysians. I pray that God will appear in their dreams and the rest of Malaysians and tell them to support the Nurin Alert cause. Amen.
Good iniatiative. I support this move fully. Let me know how I can be of help in crime prevention.
Happy Eid
Assalamualaikum Saudara Kamal,
Tahniah atas usaha saudara selama ini. Saya doakan usaha ini akan berkekalan, berjaya dan direhdai Allah selama-lamanya hinggalah ke hari akhirat. InsyaAllah saya akan promo Blog saudara secara meluas, agar rakyat Malaysia menjadi rakyat yang lebih cakna dan prihatin, rakyat yang mengambil peduli hal tetangga mereka sendiri.
Eid Mubarak, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin. Selamat Hari Raya Idil Fitri , Maaf Zahir dan Batin,
Rozmal bin Malakan & Raja Siti Noor
serta anak-anak Mohd Kauthar, Ahmad Fauzan, Fathin Amirah, Amirul Mukmin, Muhammad Firdaus
Senawang, NS
Assalamualaikum Saudara Kamal,
Tahniah atas usaha saudara selama ini. Saya doakan usaha ini akan berkekalan, berjaya dan direhdai Allah selama-lamanya hinggalah ke hari akhirat. InsyaAllah saya akan promo Blog saudara secara meluas, agar rakyat Malaysia menjadi rakyat yang lebih cakna dan prihatin, rakyat yang mengambil peduli hal tetangga mereka sendiri.
Eid Mubarak, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin. Selamat Hari Raya Idil Fitri , Maaf Zahir dan Batin,
Rozmal bin Malakan & Raja Siti Noor
serta anak-anak Mohd Kauthar, Ahmad Fauzan, Fathin Amirah, Amirul Mukmin, Muhammad Firdaus
Senawang, NS
you have my full support as well, let me know how i can be of help. i've lost someone dear to me in spain. i dont want to see this every happen to anyone else.
my prayers go out to them.
In this imperfect world full of test and trials and tribulations, we cannot save everybody or every child from the evil and dangers that exist out there.
What we can do is try our BEST, make every effort to educate, prevent and save. Then at least we can console ourselves with the knowledge that we DID NOT sit back and DO NOTHING.
That is the real meaning of putting our trust in God, or tawakkal.
Doing everything humanly possible and only THEN praying hard.
You were a one-man team, it was humanly impossible for you to save them all. Now you have the Malaysians from all walks of life on your team who will try to contribute whatever in whichever way according to our capabilities to make Malaysia a safer place.
I'm with you bro ! and welcome to blogosphere !
Very good to have people like you in the blogosphere
God bless you Kamal in your endeavor. i am with you.
Meanwhile enjoy the Raya holidays and don't be too hard on yourself.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. God be with you.
We Malaysians must get rid of our increasing isolated existence. When I finally got to move to a gated community after years of struggle, I was relieved that i had a safe place for my kids. I soon found out, that it wasnt true. My neighbour awoke with a knife to his throat and the robbers asking for his daughter. Our guards were sleeping. When the story broke, I went to get to each and every house, 100 of them, and called personally for a residents meeting for us all to get together. The others were just wringing their hands and saying "how come? we got guard wat". I pushed them into the realisation that we needed to come together and stop being so kiasu. Before this happened, no one knew their next door neughbour. I pushed them to set up a committee and now things are improving and we are getting the residents to be more bz bodies, looking out their back windows and switching on lights and pushing the guards. That is just a small example. What I im trying to say is that we need to work together, look out for each other!!! No more living in our own bubble!!!
Welcome to the world of blogging. Congrats.
Bersama kita mengembalikan fungsi asal polis untuk kehidupan yang lebih sejahtera!
i'm wheelin' with you.
salam aidilfitri!
I with all of our friends here - powerful blog bro'. Thanks! Salaam Idul Fitri...
Feisal (Mat Salo)
Well done bro, with you all the way.Was out berhari raya yesterday and was told of an incident happened in Carrefour Klang just few day before raya.Apparently a little girl gone missing while shopping there with the parents.Thanks to the swift act of the management they shut all the exit and found the girl in the toilet, head shaven and left alone.Thought you could take the lead from there.
Bersama kita mengembalikan fungsi asal polis untuk kehidupan yang lebih sejahtera!
Tak lupa jenayah dijalanraya,yang laju membunuh kerana kita pemandu jua.
Salam kamal:
Selamat memblog.
Good effort you are doing.
Selamat 'Eidulfitri.
I'm with you and will always support you. Yes for Nurin alert!!
I think I’m one of the anonymous commentor. I must have loved reading your blog then. And I still do.
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